If you are interested in a review copy or download, please send a request to info@sidetrackwalker.de and include a link to your zine. You can download press materials (images, biography in English and German) here:
“[Deprivation] has a subtlety to it that gently builds and weaves its story both in and around you with its calming, almost funk like grooves”
Tom Slater (Withered Hands Podcast), 19.05.2021.
Read the full review
Extensive interview with Withered Hands Podcast:
Part 1, released 28.09.2020
Part 2, released 05.10.2020
“Undeniably, Sidetrack Walker […] has a knack for composing soft and atmospheric melodies that are easily accessible.”
“a magnificent album in its contrasts”
“Sidetrack Walker offers us intimate compositions, the reflections of an artist who does not feign his emotions” (3.7/5)
Gabriel Badelier (Progcritique.com), 20.08.2020.
Read the full review (French)
“an incredible mix of dark psychedelic jazz and trip-hop, which could work well as the soundtrack for surreal horror”
Dj Mishka Lost on “Broken Heartbeats”, 26.06.2020.
Read the full review (Russian)
“It’s wonderful to immerse yourself in the various songs, soak up their energy and let it recharge your batteries.” (8/15)
Marc Colling (Babyblaue Seiten), 07.06.2020.
Read the full review (German)
“abundant with dark, sparkling jewels of Chamber Pop“
Kai-Peter Boysen (Kieler Nachrichten), 20.05.2020. Read the full article (German)
“[W]hat blew me away the most about Will to Leave was the sheer distinction. Sidetrack Walker’s tendency to pull from a myriad of genres […] allowed their sound to spill an alchemic amount of atmospheric intensity.”
Amelia Vandergast (A&R Factory), 15.05.2020. Read the full review
Interview with Nikita Mädge (Campusradio Kiel), released 15.05.2020.
Listen to the full interview (German)
“Soft guitar timbres meet piano notes, sometimes challenging, sometimes soothing. They combine with the powerful and emotional vocals to form outstanding arrangements which will draw you deeper and deeper into the darkly romantic world of Sidetrack Walker.”
Claudia Zinn-Zinnenburg (Orkus), 26.04.2019. Read the full review (German)
“I like to let myself be sidetracked by all the influences that inspire me. For artists as well as human beings in general, it’s important to explore the world with open eyes and look to the sides of the beaten path.”
“That may be the central message: to accept the moment, regardless of where it may take us.”
Interview with Claudia Zinn-Zinnenburg (Orkus), 26.04.2019.
Scan of the full
“The album opens with Behind The Scenes, featuring a beautiful dramatic composition and melancholic, emotional vocals.”
Kai-Peter Boysen (Kieler Nachrichten), 14.03.2019.
Read the full
“The album’s strongest suit must be the arrangements with their delicate balance of piano, guitars, voice and a mostly gentle rhythm section. All of this combines to form a variant of singer-songwriter Art-Rock that is sometimes folky, sometimes influenced by Art-Pop or Alternative Rock. […]
All you’ll need is to establish, or to find within yourself, the focus and relaxation necessary to properly savour the delicate music on ‘Come What May’ […].” (10/15)
Siggy Zielinsky (Babyblaue Seiten), 04.03.2019.
Read the full review (German)
“The tracks […] offer a personal and often moving insight into the psyche of their creator.”
“[T]he album begins with the stark, plaintive notes of ‘Behind the Scenes’; a brooding proggy number loaded with elegant misery. Folky acoustic guitar, sorrowful vocals and sparse piano create a lush soundscape that gets the album off to a promising start.”
“Albums are either good or they aren’t, and this one is definitely the former.”
“It’s a well crafted and interesting album with some clearly very personal lyrics that is challenging and diverse.” (8/10)
Nick Harkins (Doom-metal.com), 16.02.2019.
Read the full review
“I’m not content until I feel I’ve distilled the emotional essence of the initial idea to the best of my abilities, with as few redundancies or imprecisions as possible.“
Interview with Mike Liassides (Doom-metal.com), 16.02.2019.
Read the full interview
“The main asset of Dominik Sonders is to write songs with a strong emotional atmosphere.”
“[T]he tracks we discover are set up like a puzzle where all the pieces fit together remarkably well.”
“We will fall under the haunting charm of the little miracles of ‘Savour’ and ‘Ghost Stories’. Dominik’s main quality is to infuse his compositions with musical structures of impressive effectiveness. The development initiated at the beginning of the melody transforms and blossoms with its abundance of harmonies and superb instrumental parts […].” (4.25/5)
Gabriel Badelier (Progcritique.com), 14.02.2019.
Read the full review (French)